Cuju&Yuan: President Xi’s vision and the Governmental plans

Ogni settimana per la rubrica Cuju&Yuan vi offriremo insights esclusivi in lingua inglese riguardanti il mondo del calcio cinese e le operazioni commerciali portate avanti dai Club europeri nella Terra di Mezzo, analizzando alcune delle principali aree di penetrazione.

La seconda uscita “President Xi’s vision and the Governmental plans” affronta temi quali:
– The Economic Issue
– The Social Issue
– The Political Issue
– The Governmental Plans

Basata sulla tesi di Laurea Magistrale del nostro Luca Passarotti, dal titolo “European Football Clubs in the Chinese Matket: Strategies to Exploit the Potential of the Middle Kingdom”. Buona lettura!




Every week for  Cuju&Yuan we will offer exclusives insights in emglish language about the world of chinese football and the commercial operations of european clubs in the chinese market, with the analysis of the different strategies

The second episode “President Xi’s vision and the Governmental plans” face the following topics:
– The Economic Issue
– The Social Issue
– The Political Issue
– The Governmental Plans

Based on the master’s thesis of our fellow Luca Passarotti, entitled “European Football Clubs in the Chinese Matket: Strategies to Exploit the Potential of the Middle Kingdom”. Enjoy the reading!

